Nirvana Inn
Movie information
Genre-Psychological horror
Original language-Hindi
Director-Vijay Jayapal
Release date-6 October 2019
Runtime-1 hour 55 minutes
Main cast
Adil Hussain-Jogiraj Chakraborty
Sandhya Mridul-Leela
Rajshri Deshpande-Mohini
Raj Sharma-Kumar
Rajiv Sharma-Police inspector
Nirvana means a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire nor sense of self, same you can feel this when you watch this movie. In the movie too much happening but not systematically and very slow screenplay of movie.
I don't found words to describe this movie. Total confused how to explain it. I want to tell you, I watched this movie due to its good review but I don't find anything good in it ;total boring movie with a very weak storyline which make you feel that it is total waste of time. All the time you wait for something which make you interested to watch but end up getting more complicated and bored. Aadil Hussain acting is good but not enough to watch this movie. So I don't want you to watch this movie if you take my suggestion. If you watch it then you definitely regret to your decision.
Thank you
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